Hand Taping for Rope Climbs

video for hand. and finger taping to protect during rope climbs

Hi from Shield today I want to talk to you about a technique for Taping that I've developed for rope climbs specifically for OCR courses. I will typically do this for climbs or drags on courses or in the gym. What inspired this is that I noticed I was creating a lot of friction when you're going up and down a rope and while sometimes gloves work gloves that have fingers also don't necessarily protect you from that friction.

What I found is a shield product and a taping strategy that works great for me (although I will say I was just at an OCR race recently forgot my tape like the bonehead that I am, and wound up injuring myself on the Rope climb and as you can see in the video)

For me when I'm coming down the Rope gripping it this way the friction leads to a lot of abrasion blisters, tears and cuts in the skin.

I'll show you how I tape to minimize that risk. So again I'm using a Shield Stretch Tape so that I have all of the same range of motion and Agility that I'm used to in an untaped hand.

Typically when you're doing a rope climb the issue is on the insides and the sidewalls of your fingers. What I'm doing is really a very light taping across each of the

fingers using this um you know you can use 1in tape or inch and a half tape it it it really is a matter of preference and comfort. The nice thing about Shield tapes

they're easy to apply and tear with one hand so you don't always need a buddy to help you tape up.

You might find that you might find that you want more reinforcement; if you do that's fine — one strategy I use in that situation, for example if I'm doing a number of

rope climbs, first I tape across the fingers around the fingers; the Next Step you can take is if you know you're prone to you know abrasion and irritation blisters or

injuries on a given finger because you have so much elasticity in the shield tape that you can almost enclose the entire finger. So for me the ring

finger is my problem finger I will actually wrap up and around the inside walls of the finger to make sure that as I'm coming down the rope I'm not exposing skin to rope burn.

So one little trick Shield stretch tape for rope climbs. Good luck out there!


Hook Grip Taping